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Caregiver Events Calendar

Men Who Care

Register and Join AARP Houston for the Men Who Care Conference

The Men Who Care Conference is an enlightening event dedicated to exploring the multifaceted roles of men in caregiving. This conference aims to provide a supportive space for men to learn about the importance of mental health, effective ways to handle grief, and strategies for building a strong community. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in workshops that incorporate the latest evidence-based research on stress management and burnout prevention, ensuring overall health and well-being. The event also addresses the societal shift towards recognizing the significant contributions of male caregivers and the need for a compassionate culture in both personal and professional spheres.

Registration and Brotherhood Breakfast 8:00AM-8:30AM

Saturday, June 29, 2024 @ 9:00AM-1:00PM

Buffalo Soldiers National Museum

3816 Caroline Street

Houston, Texas 77004

Call 877-926-8300 or visit events.aarp.org/event/TX-629-Men/summary to register