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Caregiver Events Calendar

In honor of World Alzheimer’s Day, UTHealth Consortium on Aging, CarePartners, and the Southeast Texas Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program are offering a FREE webinar on the impact of caregiving on employees and employers.

Join us Wednesday, September 21st from 11:30am to 1:30pm to learn how employers can support individuals caring for loved ones with dementia and how employed caregivers can access resources.


11:00 | Welcome – Dr. Aanand Naik | Consortium on Aging
11:35 | Ed Gonzales | Harris County Sheriff
12:05 | Kathi Greene | Phillips 66
12:45 | Sharlene Johnson | UTHealth Houston
1:00 | Melissa Silva – UTHealth
1:15 | Katie Scott – CarePartners

Contact: Monica J. Bennett with UTHealth | Consortium on Aging at 713-500-3921